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Human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG is a hormone that is only produced when a woman is pregnant. This important hormone is produced by the placenta and increases throughout the pregnancy. When the embryo begins attempting to implant in the uterine lining, hCG will begin being produced. This is the hormone that pregnancy tests look for when they are administered. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Throughout the pregnancy, hCG will continue to increase. This is because of the growth that the embryo and the placenta go through. As the placenta grows, so will the amount of hCG that is produced by it. These amounts will increase and double every two to three days. This is something that can be tested to help determine a healthy pregnancy.
After about ten to twelve weeks the levels of hCG that are in the body will peak. After this point, they will drop off as the pregnancy continues. It can be difficult to determine a normal level of hCG in the body because there is a wide range of possibilities. While it is something that can be found in the urine, blood testing for this hormone is actually more accurate. This means that a blood test may signal a pregnancy before a urine analysis does.