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Many women who experienced severe morning sickness in a previous pregnancy are actually scared to get pregnant again because they are afraid of the morning sickness that will accompany the next pregnancy. However, it is really important to remember that no two pregnancies are exactly the same. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Just because a woman had severe morning sickness with one pregnancy does not mean that she will have it again with the next pregnancy. One good thing is that if you have already had documented severe morning sickness with a previous pregnancy, your doctor will be likely to prescribe you some medication to help ease your issues. Make sure that your doctor, whichever one you choose, is very supportive of your fears and your problems.
That will go a long way towards helping with your issues as well. Do whatever you can to help yourself ease some of your issues. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing your stress levels, staying hydrated and getting enough sleep will all go a long way towards helping to reduce your chances of having severe morning sickness in another pregnancy. And of course, you can always keep in mind that any morning sickness that accompanies pregnancy, will be temporary.