How to Improve Sperm Count

How to Improve Sperm Count

When dealing with problems in trying to conceive, a very important issue couples are forced to deal with is how to improve sperm count. Still, given the fact that both the traditional and the holistic medicine have evolved so much in the last decade, this can be treated easily. If you are the kind of person who doesn’t like to rush to the doctor’s office with your intimate problem, you will be pleased to find out that there are a lot of home-made methods to solve your problem in a natural way! Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Natural is always better

We came to the impressive point where we can find a cure for almost anything through a completely natural way, without being forced to turn to expensive doctors and have those embarrassing consultations. The thing you need is actually information, knowledge and patience! The same can be applied in the tedious battle to improve sperm count, it definitely takes a lot of commitment to fight against it but you can start it right now with 2 important steps.

Causes of low sperm count

The first step would be to look into the causes and see what should be done to avoid them in the future. You will probably not be surprised when finding out that low sperm count can be linked to our modern habits: drinking, smoking, or eating unhealthy foods. Your first move when wanting to improve your sperm count will definitely be to look into these factors and rule them out one by one, for your problem and for your health, in general.

What could be the link between nuts and sperm?

You will be really surprised to find out that a recent study has shown that eating nuts every day will enhance your vitality, your mobility and as well as your sperm count, for men ages between 21 and 35. The study was made on a group of 120 healthy men, with the previously mentioned age range, randomly picked. Some of them were told to introduce nuts into their day to day diet and the other men were told to just avoid consuming fruits with a hard exterior.

Tests were conducted before and after introducing the change and the results were really good. The men that consumed nuts had a higher omega level than the other group. While it may seem somewhat silly and ironic, it’s worth a shot to introduce more nuts into your diet to improve your sperm count.

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Dr. Renee Hanton, MD
Dr. Renee Hanton, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Renee Hanton is ConceiveEasy's Senior Physician with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Dr. Hanton specializes in the endocrine causes of infertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
