Infertility after 35 with Giuliana Rancic

Infertility after 35 with Giuliana Rancic

Giuliana Rancic, who doesn’t know her, and who doesn’t love her? I think she’s a beautiful woman who faced a very hard problem that an average of 1.5 million women in the United States face – infertility. Celebrities tend to keep this type of personal business, well, personal. Starring as a television personality on E! Television, her world began to be turned upside down as the world discovered her story. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Giuliana & Bill’s story

Newly married Giuliana and Bill Rancic had been trying to conceive for over a year when she opened up to the ladies of “The View.” Discussing how she was told to gain 5 to 10 pounds by her doctor. “He said five to ten pounds, which I know, it’s a big deal, and if you want to have a baby you should do whatever it takes. But I had to bite that bullet because you have to understand something; I work out every day of my life. I love feeling good and waking up and working out.”

The challenge

After being verbally attacked by Whoopi Goldberg, hubby Bill jumped to her defense, “When you’re 35 years of age or older, to conceive naturally, you have about a five to seven percent chance on a monthly basis.” She did gain the weight the doctor asked of her, and had full support of her husband. What a pair!

The shocking truth

“It was a big shock! I always say how I chased my career instead of chasing guys. And everybody was patting me on the back. No one ever told me, ‘Oh, by the way, your eggs change when you reach a certain age,’ I didn’t think 35 was old! So when the doctor said, ‘It’s not as easy as you thought it would be,’ it was a real blow. Because I felt so young. I mean, this is a girl who was running six miles a day, and eating healthy, so how can you tell me that I’m not healthy in that department?” This was a rude wake-up call for Giuliana and Bill.

Another trial faced

A solid year of trying and a miscarriage later, in 2011 while getting ready for another round of fertility treatments Giuliana was informed she had breast cancer. How horrible for this little family? She had a double mastectomy and then reconstructive surgery that same year.

The miracle!

Due to the fertility issues, miscarriage and breast cancer, Giuliana could not carry a child on her own. So in April of 2012 the family announced fantastic news. They had received a phone call from their doctor and a gestational surrogate carrier was indeed pregnant and due in the late summer. Baby Edward is happy and healthy now in the arms of his loving family.

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Brittany Null
Brittany Null | ConceiveEasy
Brittany lives in Kansas City, where she and her husband Austin are the proud parents of a newborn baby girl. You can subscribe to their lively and entertaining YouTube Channel to follow along on their journey.
