Today we are going to talk about something that is still seen as somewhat of a controversial topic. Fibroids and their relationship with infertility. Before we dig too far into this topic, we probably should back up and clarify what exactly fibroids are. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Fibroids are benign, non cancerous tumors that are found in the uterus. The cause of fibroids is currently unknown, but doctors think it could be related to a gene that is in control of cell growth.
What affects the growth of fibriods? That is where we get to the controversial part. Estrogen and Progesterone are the hormones that affect the growth of fibroids. When a woman hits menopause, the hormones decrease in the body, and for many women, the problems associated with fibroids begin to resolve themselves. However, there is no concrete evidence that those two hormones are the cause of the fibroids.
Most fibroids are small and cause no symptoms, but sometimes they do. When they do cause problems, the most common symptoms are uterine bleeding and pelvic pressure. If a woman has no fertility problems and no bothersome symptoms, a lot of times their fibroids will just go untreated.
Some fibroids are more dangerous, however. These fibroids, called sub mucosal fibroids, will need some sort of treatment. They can hurt a woman’s fertility be preventing implantation, causing miscarriage, and even premature delivery.
When a woman who has fibroids is experiencing fertility problems, that is where the real controversy begins. The recommended course of treatment is often unclear. There are some new fibroid shrinking techniques on the market in doctor’s offices right now, but they are not always approved to be the safest.
So, make sure to do your research before getting any treatments. There are some less dangerous options out there. One of them is a surgery that is done to remove the fibroids, via a small incision in the abdomen.
After a successful fibroid surgery, a woman can usually resume trying to get pregnant within about three months. The main point is that you need to do your research and find out what the best treatment options are for your personal case.