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While it is possible to have hemorrhoids at the same time as a urinary tract infection, they are not necessarily linked to one another. Hemorrhoids occur when the varicose veins become swollen. This can cause a great deal of discomfort for the person as well as many other symptoms. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
It is possible for the veins to become large and protrude through the anus. This could cause pain, itchiness and discomfort, especially during a bowel movement or when they are touched. It is also possible for the hemorrhoids to bleed while they are present.
A urinary tract infection, on the other hand, is an infection of the urinary tract. This is also something that can be very painful. It will cause the person to need to urinate frequently and there is a burning sensation when you do urinate. While men can also get a urinary tract infection, it is much more common for women to get them.
Both a urinary tract infection and hemorrhoids can be treated with medication. However, many choose to treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids and allow them to heal on their own. Ice packs and warm baths are helpful when treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is best to see a doctor for treatment of a urinary tract infection, however, because it can develop into something more serious.