There honestly has not been much research done on the subject of getting pregnant while taking antidepressants. More research is definitely needed on this subject and doctors are working hard to figure out the connection. The studies that have been done on this subject often contradict each other and are not conclusive. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Many studies have been done that indicate that taking antidepressants during pregnancy is safe. These studies state that there is no harm done to the unborn baby, and that any risks to the baby are outweighed by the benefits to the mother. Doctors think that treatment of depression is especially important during pregnancy, when hormones are sometimes out of control. If a woman does not treat her depression during pregnancy, it can be very risky for both her and her unborn child, since she might not take as good of care of herself as she should. These studies show that treating depression during pregnancy is not only safe, but recommended.
Still more studies have been conducted that say that women who are pregnant should not be treated with antidepressants. These studies say that there is a risk presented to the unborn baby from the depression medications that a woman might be taking.
Some of these studies associate antidepressant use during pregnancy with newborn lung problems, and even heart defects. There are even a few studies that state that very rare birth defects, miscarriage and still births have been caused by use of antidepressants during pregnancy. However, there simply has not been enough research conducted on this topic yet to completely understand it.
We do know that depression during pregnancy is something that needs to be addressed. We need to find a way to treat depression while protecting both the woman and the unborn baby, and putting neither one at risk. Right now, the research is inconclusive, and more studies on this topic need to be conducted before we will know for sure what the risks are.
If you are taking depression medications and you become pregnant, one of the first things that you need to do is meet with your doctor to decide what your next steps should be. Basically, it is a calculation of risk versus reward to determine what your steps should be during your pregnancy. Your doctor will be able to help you figure out what is the right decision for you.