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Pregnancy tests, as we know, are the easiest home device that we can use to check pregnancy before we go to the doctor for an appointment. Many women agrees that a pregnancy test is a life saver. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Pregnancy tests will tell you if your urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) hormone. This hormone is not produced in a woman’s body until after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of your uterus.
Right now, pregnancy tests have different variants. There are large midstream applicators that you can pee on, there are also those really small strips available and some are digital pregnancy tests that won’t show the ancient “two lines” anymore, but rather say clearly “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant.” The test’s sensitivity also varies. Some will detect lower levels of hCG of 0.125 I.U that allow for a positive reading up to 5 days before a missed period.
Immediately after conception, hCG, start to appear in your urine. It is this hormone that all home pregnancy tests detect and some tests are so sensitive that they can be used up to 6 days before your missed period (which is 5 days before your expected period).
If your test is negative and your period is late, then you should wait a week before testing again. Some women take 2 to 3 weeks after a missed period before producing a detectable level of the pregnancy hormone.
As mentioned about, when you get pregnant, your hCG levels begin to slowly increase. Most pregnancy tests are designed to show a positive result when you are 2-3 days past your period. A second line on the pregnancy test, no matter how faint it is, means you are pregnant! Chances are, you are just testing too early. If there’s a faint line, there’s only a small amount of hCG in your urine, usually because it’s early in the pregnancy. If there’s a faint line, you’re pregnant! The line should grow darker each day as more hCG is detected in your urine.
Digital pregnancy tests are those that no longer have the two lines. Some of them will say either “pregnant” or “not pregnant” and some of them show a + sign for positive and – sign for negative PT result. The 99 percent accuracy rating begins on the day of your missed period. Not all women can use digital tests that detect pregnancy early because their hCG levels are not high enough.
Pregnancy tests are readily available over-the-counter for everyone who needs them. You can even pick them up at the Dollar Store! Additionally, they are so affordable. Pregnancy tests have helped a lot of women for years now.