Infertility is something all women or couples are afraid to deal with. The most frustrating thing about infertility is that, even when everything seems to be working well within your body, you may be diagnosed with infertility due to unexplained causes. Sometimes, the longer and harder you are trying to conceive, it feels like the less chances of success you have. So, you need to try a different approach. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
The most important thing to understand about fertility is that it is not only a condition of your body, but also a condition of your mind. Your body may be ready to conceive, biologically speaking, but your mind may not be. The most common cause (other than biological causes) why women cannot conceive is because they are affected by stress. Stress affects the production of hormones and may suppress ovulation.
So, the more stressed out you get about your inability to conceive, the fewer chances you have to overcome this problem. Meditation, prayer, breathe focus techniques and similar relaxation therapies help reduce stress and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
When your body is fully relaxed, your heart rate, your breathing rate and your blood pressure drop; your mind is now in a tranquil state. Positive thoughts help a lot. You do not have to think about conceiving, especially if that gets you back into the anxiety state. Think about a place of joy, somewhere you would like to be, somewhere where you feel safe and in control. Postpone your desire of getting pregnant.
Tell yourself that you are currently experiencing a bad period, marked by infertility issues. Tell yourself that you will overcome these issues somewhere in the future and you will have a baby. Think about the fact that the future remains wrapped in mystery; you do not know what will come, but you will definitely move forward and escape from the current situation. With time, you will be wiser, more prepared to be a mom, so your baby will receive better care.
Focus on other activities; do not forget that you love your partner. Also, if you feel that there is something more behind your infertility problem try to get to the root cause. Sometimes this goes back into your childhood; think about the stories you have heard or the happenings from your childhood that were related to pregnancy, bearing a child, family problems where children were involved, menstruation or anything related to that that might affect you. Think about the way you were raised, the relationship with your parents, your place in the family and your parents’ attitude about your desire to get pregnant.
It is not a myth; distress can actually lead to infertility. Stress has been biologically proven to reduce your chances of getting pregnant by messing with your hormones. Ask yourself this question and be sincere about the answer: do you really want to have a baby and if yes, what are your reasons. What is it about having a baby boy or girl that you most like? Then, alternatively, think about at least one reason why you will not want to have a baby.