Top Causes of Infertility in Men

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Ten percent of couples who are of age to conceive a child are going to have trouble getting pregnant. Statistics show that thirty percent of the time the problems with infertility are because of the man. Statistics also show that thirty percent of the time the problem is with the woman; and forty percent of the time the problem is a combination of both the man and the women or the problem is unknown. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

The bright side to infertility problems is that only ten percent of couples will be unable to treat the problem and conceive a child. The other ninety percent should have no trouble treating their problems and conceiving a child. Here are some of the most common causes, treatments, and statistics for infertility issues in men.


• A very small percent of men have a blockage in their ejaculatory duct that prevents their sperm from being able to get into their ejaculation fluid. Naturally, this would also prevent your sperm from getting into your partner and getting into their egg. An infection, injury, defect or vasectomy could all cause a blockage to occur. Unfortunately, there are no known symptoms for this condition.

• Surgery can be done to attempt to repair the blockage or reverse the vasectomy. Anywhere from fifty to ninety percent of men will have sperm in their ejaculation fluid after being treated for the problem. Anywhere from twenty to sixty-five percent will be able to conceive a child.


• Varicocele is a condition that is similar to varicose veins. It is a condition in which a man has enlarged veins in the scrotum. This causes a raised temperature in the testes which can affect sperm production. Unfortunately, there are no known symptoms for this condition (other than the obviously enlarged veins on a man’s scrotum). This condition can be diagnosed through a physical exam.

• There is surgery to repair the varicocele. It has a forty-three percent success rate and sixty-nine percent of those men will impregnate their partner within two years of the surgery.

Irregular sperm count

• Unfortunately, some men suffer from irregular sperm. This could be a low sperm count, no sperm, poor sperm mobility or abnormally shaped sperm. If you do not have normal, high and fast sperm, your sperm may not be strong enough to fertilize your partner’s egg of its own will. Unfortunately, there are no known symptoms of this condition. An individual would have to go to a doctor or sperm bank to have their sperm tested.

• Fertility drugs or artificial insemination are the two treatment options for this particular problem. You have the option of getting a sperm donor or trying to use your own sperm (if it is not TOO abnormal) if you decide to go with artificial insemination. The success rate for treating irregular sperm is approximately thirty percent.

Always consult your doctor

If you and your partner have had regular unprotected sex for at least a year, you should consider contacting your doctor. The unfortunate truth is that there could be something preventing you from getting pregnant. There is also a chance you just haven’t had intercourse during your partner’s ovulation cycle. Either way, your doctor will be able to determine if anything is wrong and give you solution options to move forward with. Just because you or your partner have infertility problems, it does not mean you cannot have a baby.
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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
