Your 7-Step Guide to Getting Pregnant

New Year's Resolution: Your 7-Step Guide to Getting Pregnant

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For many women, the only resolution on their New Year’s list is one simple thing: getting pregnant. It’s the only thing on their list, and it is the one thing they are hopeful for in the coming year. However, many women who have getting pregnant on their wish list for the upcoming year don’t really know where to start. They might have a goal, but they really don’t know how to achieve it or how to go about reaching their goal. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

         The good news is, there are so many different things that women can do to increase their chances of conceiving in 2018.

If this is a goal that you have for the New Year, read on to find out some tips that you might be able to use going forward and to improve your chances of getting pregnant in the New Year!

A Doctor’s Visit

The first step of the process, if you are trying to conceive and you have not seen a doctor in awhile, is to go ahead and schedule a doctor’s appointment. This is especially important if you have not seen a doctor in awhile. It’s also really important to see a doctor if you are older (especially over age 35), or if you have a history of medical problems. Also, if fertility issues or other health issues are common in your family, go ahead and see a doctor before you start trying to conceive. If you have been on birth control previously or are currently on birth control at the time you decide to start trying to conceive, it is also an especially good idea to go ahead and see a doctor.

By seeing a doctor before you start trying to conceive, you can get a good overall picture of your health, and be made aware of any potential issues that might pop up and affect you. Your doctor can make sure that you are on the right track to getting pregnant, along with giving you hints about stopping birth control, tracking ovulation and overall fertility boosting tips that can help you along your journey.

getting pregnant after 35 - when to see a doctor

By seeing a doctor before you ever start trying to conceive, you are already showing that you are being proactive about your health, which is honestly one of the most important things to do when it comes to not only trying to conceive, but to your overall health in general.

Tracking Ovulation

Once you have decided you are going to try to conceive and you have scheduled a pre-conception doctor’s appointment, the next important step is to learn how to track your ovulation.

Knowing your ovulation days will help you to know your fertile days, which is imperative when it comes to trying to conceive.

        What many women do not realize is that there are only a few short days each month in which a woman can get pregnant!

Once the egg is released, it travels down the fallopian tube to wait for the sperm. Within 24 hours after being released, the egg will begin to disintegrate and die. This leaves just a short window of time for a woman to get pregnant every month.

        This is the reason that it is of the utmost importance for women to know when their fertile days are so that they can track them and know when to have sex for the best chance of conceiving.

When it comes to ways to track ovulation, there are a ton of different ones out there. Here are just a couple to get started.

Fertility Tracker App For a beginner, getting a fertility tracking app on your phone is a good place to start. While this might not be the 100% most accurate way to track fertile days, it is a good starting point and can give women some real insight as to what is going on with their bodies on a certain day. There are many of these fertility apps available and they range from free to costing a few dollars on your app store.

You simply enter in some easy information into the app, and it automatically begins to track your ovulation for you. The app will recalculate your ovulation day based on the information you enter, such as when you start your period, or when you get a positive ovulation test. It is really important that when you use a fertility app that you use it as a supplement and an addition to another method of fertility tracking, like ovulation predictor kits, which we will talk about next.

ovulation predictor kits test results

OPKs – Ovulation predictor kits are easy to use tests that help women determine when they are ovulating. These tests are really inexpensive, and easy to obtain since they are available at local grocery stores, drugstores, and online. These tests work much like home pregnancy tests, in that women are able to use their urine to saturate the test strip.

The test strip has both a control line and a test line. The control line will be a certain darkness each and every time the woman takes the test. The test line will vary in color darkness depending on how close a woman is to her LH surge. The LH surge is the surge of hormones that occurs around 24 hours prior to ovulation. Once the test line on the ovulation test strip is the same color or darker than the control line, that will mean that ovulation is nearing and that it is coming near to a woman’s fertile time. This can help for women to plan sex and to know that they are close to their fertile period, which can help improve chances of conceiving.

Weighty Issues

Okay, this one might be a little uncomfortable to talk about, but we need to do it anyways. The thing is, most women do not understand just how much their health is affected by their weight.

        Whether it be being overweight or underweight, weight plays a huge role when it comes to fertility.

The basics of it are as follows: weight affects hormones and hormone production, which as we all know, is the number one factor when it comes to fertility. If your weight is causing hormonal issues for you, it is going to wreak havoc on your fertility as well.

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Being underweight can be just as detrimental as being overweight, since it can actually really affect your menstrual periods and ovulation. For women who need to lose a few pounds, take heart. Doctors and experts say that losing as few as five to ten pounds can “reset” a woman’s metabolism and help her get back on the right track when it comes to fertility. This is a great option for women who are just starting out and don’t really know where else to turn when it comes to boosting their fertility.

Living Clean

When it comes to getting pregnant and fertility, living clean is a big part of that, and it is a big part that many women do not take into consideration. In a nutshell, living clean means removing all toxins, unhealthy habits from your life and your body, in order to make conception easier. Some choices when it comes to living clean are easy.smoking and its negative effects to fertility


        Don’t smoke, don’t drink and don’t use drugs while you are trying to conceive.

Those things are a given, and most women know to avoid that kind of stuff while they are pregnant. Other aspects of living clean are also pretty self explanatory. Cutting back on fast food, sugary snacks and processed foods, and increasing the intake of whole foods and healthy choices is a great way to help prepare the body for conception.

Also, reducing stress and getting enough exercise are great ways to improve conception chances. However, some parts of living clean are a little bit more out of the box, or things that women would not normally or usually consider. Women should take into consideration environmental toxins that can come into play, especially involving the workplace and also the workplace of their partner. Things like paint fumes, cleaning fumes, automotive fumes and other similar things can cause issues when it comes to fertility and it’s important for women to avoid these things any time that it is possible.

Boost Your Health and Fertility with Supplements

If you are already doing all of the above steps, you are already well on your way to boosting your fertility and helping to increase your chances of becoming pregnant! However, there is still more to do to help if you are trying to get pregnant before the New Year is up.

        One great idea is to start taking prenatal vitamins before you even start trying to conceive.

The truth of the matter is, most of us do not eat right, most of us do not get all of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that we need in our daily life. This is unfortunate, but it is true. However, by taking a prenatal vitamin, women can bridge those nutritional gaps and can help to become healthier. An added bonus is that taking prenatal vitamins before pregnancy can help to prevent birth defects such as neural tube defects, which normally occur in the first weeks of pregnancy. Normally, when these problems occur, women don’t even know yet that they are pregnant, and haven’t started taking a prenatal vitamin yet. However, by taking these prenatal vitamins, women can be protected before they even know they are pregnant.

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Another great option for women who want to give fertility a boost is a fertility blend like ConceiveEasy. ConceiveEasy is an all natural herbal fertility supplement that combines some of the most popular fertility herbs and other natural fertility boosting supplements into one easy to take capsule. The result is an all inclusive, safe, and natural fertility supplement that can help to boost fertility, balance hormones, improve overall health and more. Definitely give these things a chance if you are trying to conceive.

Stay Strong, Don’t Give Up

The next step in your trying to conceive journey is to stay strong. The process is not always easy, and for some women, getting pregnant can take quite a while. However, it is not something to ignore, and not something to give up on.

       Keep on keeping on, and keep doing whatever you can do to improve your health and fertility.

Keep making time with your partner, and try not to get into a rut and make sex a chore, or all about trying to conceive. Keep that connection open with your other half, and remember why you are trying for a baby in the first place. Trying to conceive can be stressful, so make sure to have a trusted friend or family member to talk to help work through your feelings.

Some couples, especially couples who have a hard time trying to conceive, find that therapy is beneficial during the process in order to help work through the (sometimes complicated) feelings associated with trying to conceive. Work through the stress, trust the process, and try to give your body every advantage that you can in order to get pregnant, and this will be your best bet when it comes to trying to conceive.


Go Back To Step One!

Now, this one might sound a little bit crazy, but if you are on your journey to conceive during the New Year, it might actually be necessary for you to resort back to step number one. That is, going back to see a doctor, or in some cases, a fertility specialist.

        For the most part, couples can set their goals on one full year to get pregnant.

This is recommended for women who are under 35 years old. Try all of the things listed in this article, and do them all consistently for one full year. If you are still not seeing any results, after one year, most doctors recommend seeing a fertility expert in order to check for problems.

        However, for women who are over 35 when they are trying to conceive, experts suggest waiting only 6 months before seeing a fertility expert.

This is because women over 35 have a much higher chance of a fertility issue. So, for women over 35, they should only focus on a “half year” resolution to get pregnant, before they start trying to get help. Help may mean fertility drugs, fertility treatments or something along those lines – but hey, there’s a bright side there, those avenues could mean an increased chance of having twins – so maybe it’ll be happy twin New Year to you!

        Here’s to a pregnant New Year to you!

Hopefully, these tips have been helpful in motivating you to set up a plan to help get pregnant in the New Year, and hopefully you will find them helpful to successfully conceiving. At least now you will have a guide for your trying to conceive journey, and that is the most important part, is to have a plan! Best wishes and best of luck on your fertility goals in the New Year!

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
