Ovarian Reserve and Ovulation

Ovarian Reserve and Ovulation

The term ovarian reserve refers to how many eggs you have left in your ovaries. Every woman is born with a certain number of eggs, and when they are gone, they’re gone. You can’t get them back, and you can not keep your body from using them. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here

Best eggs first

The body also uses up the best eggs first, so that when your ovarian reserve gets low, it is usually the least viable eggs that remain. That is why it is harder for older women to get pregnant and to carry a healthy pregnancy to term. That is because the older a woman gets, the fewer eggs remain in her ovaries, and the eggs that do remain might not be viable enough to carry out a healthy pregnancy.

Testing your ovarian reserve

You might be wondering how doctors can test and find out what your ovarian reserve actually is. They do it by testing your levels of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) in the body. High levels of FSH mean that a woman has fewer eggs remaining. The higher the level of FSH in the body, the fewer eggs remain. If your doctor diagnoses you with high FSH, and determines that you may not have very many eggs remaining, you might be diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve.

Diminished ovarian reserve

Follicle Stimulating Hormone is directly related to the quality and quantity of eggs in your body. If your FSH levels are high, your body will in turn have to work harder to ovulate. If you have high levels of FSH, you can still menstruate regularly and regularly and you might not even be aware that something is wrong unless you try to conceive and end up having problems and not being able to get pregnant when you want to. If you have diminished ovarian reserve, you may still menstruate and ovulate normally. You will still experience ovulation symptoms.

This can make it very confusing and hard to understand. It is possible to have a diminished ovarian reserve but still go through normal ovulation processes each month. Basically what diminished ovarian reserve means is that your body is getting low on eggs of it’s own, and you could possibly end up needing to use donor eggs. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get pregnant however. It is just potentially going to be a bit harder, and could take a bit longer for your body to produce an egg that is mature and viable enough to result in pregnancy.

Remember, you are not out of eggs, you just have fewer eggs, and all you need to make a baby is ONE good egg!

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
