The cause for infertility that most frequently appears on medical certificates is “unexplained.” This means that the medical examinations have ruled out any physical condition that might influence fertility in a negative way, but conception still seem difficult to achieve. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
This is when natural supplements can play an important role in getting pregnant more easily: as is the case with numerous physical conditions, herbal extracts and food supplements are of great help in the case of fertility-related problems as well.
The over the counter fertility drugs in the top-3 list below are available in most naturist shops and they contain plant extracts, vitamins and minerals that are vital for the woman’s body, in order to be able to restore the hormonal balance necessary for getting pregnant.
This product successfully combines the power of vitamins and herbs. Besides Vitex, also called chaste-berry, well-known for its qualities as a natural enhancer of the cervical mucus, Fertibella ConceiveEasy contains powerful antioxidants like vitamin B12 and B6, indispensable for a healthy pregnancy, vitamin E, so frequently recommended by doctors as a substance that is able to induce pregnancy, as well as minerals such as iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc; all these play an important role in preparing the body for pregnancy.
A monthly reproductive support system, Fertibella currently has 12 monthly blends, each with a unique proprietary blend designed to enhance fertility by stimulating ovulation, regulating cycles, lengthening luteal phase, and balancing hormones in the body. When a diagnosis of “unexplained fertility” has been made, this all-natural fertility supplement is a proven method to helping overcome unforeseen fertility issues.
One of the most frequently used fertility drugs over the counter, folic acid or vitamin B9, also known as folate, has been long recognized for its extraordinary benefits for the human body. Naturally found in leafy vegetables and fruits, this important vitamin is responsible for the capacity of the body to produce new cells.
It has been recently discovered that it has an important role in assisting and facilitating conception, and it can prevent the appearance of some very serious birth defects as well, protecting both the mother and the baby. Folic acid is found in all prenatal vitamins and a daily regime of folic acid supplementation should be started as soon as possible if thinking of trying to conceive.
Red raspberry leaf has many extraordinary health benefits, like anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Another beneficial property is that it is able to regulate ovulation and the menstrual cycle. Available in the form of tablets, capsules or tea, red raspberry leaf has been known for its tonifying effects for the womb, being an able remedy for infertility-related physical conditions, like polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis.
The food supplements available in most naturist shops are beneficial not only for the reproductory system of the body: they boost the immune system, tone the whole body, help the nervous system cope with the harmful effects of external factors and re-establish the balance so easy to lose in today’s stressful circumstances and so essential for a healthy, happy pregnancy.