Ovulation Signs: 6 Ways to Know You’re Ovulating

Ovulation Signs: 6 Ways to Know You're Ovulating

Young women sometimes wonder what their ovulation signs are. It is important to know that every person has different ways of showing ovulation symptoms, so there are no universal rules about how a body would react while ovulating. However, there are some general facts related to this issue, based on the way most women’s bodies react to hormonal changes. Some women, though, might not have the slightest symptom that they are ovulating. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here!

Why is it important to know when you are ovulating?

The ovulating period is essential for getting pregnant. If you have decided it is high time you became a mother, then you should be paying more attention to the signals your body is sending you, in order to find out when the right time to try to conceive is. On the other hand, if you think it is not the time yet, it is also good to know more about the ovulation signs, so that you can avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Some of the signs will clearly warn you that you are going to ovulate. You need to analyze them carefully and take advantage of the most important 48 hours of the month. There are also other signs that will tell you the ovulation period is over. This can be relevant if you need to figure out how your body evolves throughout the month. For women with irregular cycles, it is more difficult to establish the ovulating period, so they will probably need to see a specialist.

Ovulation symptom: cervical mucus

One of the most common changes that prove ovulation is approaching is the amount and consistency of the cervical mucus. You will notice it becomes more abundant, with a watery consistency. However, women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) may have cervical mucus without ovulating. Certain medical treatments may alter the appearance of cervical mucus, making it difficult to take it as a relevant sign.

Ovulation symptom: cervix changes

The cervix itself is also subjected to certain changes. It will open and pull up, as well as get softer. Among all signs of ovulation, this is the most difficult and uncomfortable to check. But once you get the hang of it, you will be a pro.

Ovulation symptom: increased sex drive

Nature has always been taking good care of us, so that things happen as they should. Before ovulation, the woman’s body “knows” it is time to procreate, and an increased sexual desire will let you know that the most fertile period has begun. Obviously, this happens as long as there are no external factors that could lower your sexual desire, such as a serious illness, anxiety, depression, etc.

Ovulation symptom: basal body temperature

The most popular method of finding out when you are ovulating is keeping track of your body basal temperature. Keep in mind that the temperature raises immediately after ovulation. This method of detecting if you are ovulating can be rather uncomfortable, as you need to use the thermometer quite often.

Other ovulation symptoms

Other signs: breast tenderness, spotting, abdominal bloating or pains.

If these ovulation signs do not occur in your case, you can always take an ovulation predictor test. Much like a pregnancy test, you simply place the test in your urine stream. Rather than detecting HCG, an ovulation test detects LH, the hormone that surges at ovulation. When you take ovulation tests and get 2 dark lines, then you know you have a positive ovulation test and that you are about to ovulate!

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
