Painful Itching During Pregnancy

Painful Itching During Pregnancy

With pregnancy come numerous different side effects (morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings, sciatica, hemorrhoids). One of the most common side effects that you will have to endure through pregnancy is itching. There are many reasons behind itching and you should know the reason why you are having that sensation. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Sometimes it can be very severe too. If you note that itching is constant and is getting painful, it may be something serious. If it is periodic, it may be nothing more than a side effect of pregnancy.

Whatever it may be, if it concerns you, talk to your doctor so that you know what the cause is. You should do this especially if the itching is painful. Here are some of the reasons why you will experience painful itching during pregnancy.

Yeast infection

You are likely to suffer a yeast infection during your second trimester. Incidence of yeast infection is actually more common during pregnancy and you should be able to make out the symptoms. They include vaginal discharge, which resembles cottage cheese including pain and severe itching during urination as well as sex.

The vaginal region also becomes red when you have a yeast infection. You will also smell like bread or beer. However, if the smell is really foul, it may be another problem such as bacterial vaginosis. Don’t go for common treatments if you discover a yeast infection. Talk to the doctor instead. A few treatments can harm your pregnancy.

Abdominal itching

The abdominal region will become itchy and dry. This is common during pregnancy because the skin stretches. As a result, it gets irritated and dry. Make sure you apply a good moisturizer on your abdomen such as one that has cocoa butter. There are also anti-itch formulas that you could go for. You can also rub vitamin E pills on the abdomen for relief.

Stretch marks

Stretch marks can occur anywhere on your body. They usually occur in the breasts, buttocks, thighs, and stomach regions because these are the areas that get stretched the most during pregnancy. These stretch marks can start itching really badly. However, they will fade away with time. They won’t disappear completely though. Applying sweet almond oil or vitamin E oil can help you curb the itching.


Cholestasis is the disease of the liver. This occurs because of a number of hormonal changes, which result in the change in the gallbladder functioning. As a result the bile builds up and causes this problem. This may be the reason why you are experiencing painful itching. To be sure about it you should check the other symptoms associated with it such as light bowel movements, dark urine, itching on the palms and feet, irritation, depression, and decreased appetite.

Dry skin

Pregnancy will not affect every woman in the same way. Take your skin for example. In some cases, skin becomes oilier during pregnancy and in other cases it becomes dry. If your skin is dry, you should make sure you buy a good moisturizer as soon as you bathe. Don’t use harsh soaps because they will worsen your skin condition.

PUPP or Pruritic Uticarial Papules and Plagues

This itching is more or less like cholestasis but it is not as severe. You will see red colored bumps on your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, and other extremities. This condition is not very harmful. In fact antihistamines will cure the condition without affecting your baby.

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
