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PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is one of the most common female reproductive disorders. PCOS affects up to ten percent of women of childbearing age, according to doctors. What happens with PCOS is that the body begins to produce more androgens, or male hormones than it normally should.
When there are more androgens than estrogens (female hormones) in the body, ovulation is affected and pregnancy can be difficult. Fortunately for many women, it is possible to overcome PCOS and get pregnant despite having the condition. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Weight gain and PCOS go hand in hand. Being overweight is a very common symptom of the disorder. However, being overweight can really affect your chances of conceiving as well. One of the most helpful things that a woman with PCOS can do is to have an ideal body weight.
Experts say that by losing as little as five to ten pounds, women can sometimes get their hormones back in order and give themselves enough of a fertility boost to get pregnant. Eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise is the best way to lose weight and get healthy. Make sure to ask your doctor if going on a diet while suffering from PCOS would be a good choice for you.
Getting pregnant with PCOS is not easy. There are many things that can be done, however, to help improve those chances. To get pregnant with PCOS, you need to be able to know when and if you are ovulating properly. An ovulation predictor kit or basal body thermometer can help you to chart your ovulation and plan sex accordingly.
Also, if you have any bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs, those should also be stopped before you begin trying to conceive. Also, think about taking a daily prenatal vitamin or an over the counter fertility blend in order to give your chances of conceiving a boost.
Getting pregnant with PCOS is not always an easy task. However, if it is truly something that you want to do, you have to stay the course and you can’t give up. There are many medications out there that can help as well. Metformin is a drug developed for insulin resistance, that has proven to be helpful with combating PCOS.
Also, Clomid is a very common, well tolerated fertility drug that many women turn to for help with ovulation. Lastly, stay in close communication with your doctor and make sure to talk honestly and openly with him and her to find out the best ways to help you get pregnant while suffering from PCOS.