PCOS Treatment Options

PCOS Treatment Options

If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you might be worried, anxious and nervous about what the next steps might be. Well, rest assured that there are a wide number of treatment options available for PCOS. Today we are going to talk about a few of the treatment options so you can see which one might be best for you! Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Weight Loss

Weight Loss sounds pretty simple, right? However, it is probably the single most important piece of advice if you are overweight and have been diagnosed with PCOS. It should be your first and foremost plan of action, and should be where you begin on your treatment journey.

Why is weight loss so important if you have PCOS? Well, you have to help your body to regulate insulin more effectively, and the best way to do this naturally is through diet and exercise. You can reap benefits from diet and exercise such as restoring your normal cycle, easier conceiving, and reduced symptoms.

Oral Contraceptives

You might suffer from irregular periods due to PCOS. Oral contraceptives such as the birth control pill can regulate those cycles. Birth control pills can also lessen some of the annoying symptoms of PCOS, such as acne and abnormal hair growth. Obviously, this option is only helpful to women who are not currently trying to get pregnant. It will usually be a doctor’s first choice, but if you do not wish to prevent pregnancy, you will have to find another treatment option.


Your doctor might want to prescribe some medications to help increase your insulin sensitivity. The same medications are used for PCOS that are usually used for diabetes, since the goal in both is to increase insulin sensitivity.

Taking these medications will help to decrease the production of androgens in the body. This can lead to a dramatic reduction of those annoying symptoms such as acne, scalp hair loss and unwanted hair growth. You can take these medications along with other fertility drugs such as Clomid to receive the best results.

Injection Medication

If your body doesn’t respond to oral medication, your doctor might want you to try injection medications. These medications are known as gonadotropins and they increase the amount of FSH that is in your body, making it easier to get pregnant. After you get the injections, you will usually ovulate within 36 hours, so you have to be ready to try to make that baby within the time frame!


Surgery is not often used as a treatment option for PCOS anymore, since less invasive measures have been introduced. The surgery is known as ovarian drilling (sounds fun, doesn’t it?) and it uses a laser to destroy portions of the ovaries that have cysts. This can be very successful when other treatments have failed. Doctors usually will not try surgical options until all other options have been used.

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
