Pregnancy Test Calculator

The ultimate test question-when do we take a pregnancy test? Now some of us that are new to the trying to conceive world are just kind of like-seriously, when do I take a test? I have no idea.  Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

And then some of us other pee-on-a-stick (POAS) addicts like myself just get a little antsy and we want to pee on a stick a lot. We want to know the moment we can find out if we’re pregnant or not, and we likely do not want to wait until we have a missed period! And pregnancy tests are not always cheap so if y’all like saving money, like myself and you’re a pee-on-a-stick addict-it’s a hard equation to figure out if, it really is.

Having a pregnancy test calculator can really ease the confusion or just kind of put things in perspective for you, so you know when you can take a pregnancy test & expect the HCG levels to be high enough to show a possible pregnancy. No sense in wasting good pregnancy tests if it’s too early to test.

Step #1 – Calculate cycle day 1

Now, in order to use a pregnancy test calculator there are only a few things you need to know and the first one is when did you start your period. This will be Cycle Day 1, the first day of your period.

Step #2 – Calculate your cycle length

Next you will need to know your average cycle length, and what that means is how long until your next period starts. Do you usually have a period every 28 days, which is the average, or do you have slightly longer cycles that run 32 or 34 days. So from day one of your period starting up until when your next cycle starts, this will determine your average cycle length. It will typically be between 28 to 32 days for most women, but some women have shorter cycles and some have far longer. Every woman is different.

Step #3 – Calculate the day you ovulated

Now number three is a bonus, an optional point to know. It’s not a necessity that if you happen to know what day you ovulated on or close to in general what day you typically ovulated on, it is a bonus. It will more than likely give you a more accurate result for when to take your pregnancy test, because pregnancy tests are based on the number of days past ovulation (DPO) that you are.

If you know the day you ovulated by taking an ovulation predictor kit (OPK) or by charting your temperatures, that will make the calculator results more accurate for you. But don’t fret. If you don’t know the exact day you ovulated, then the calculator will take the average of your cycle length. So if you have an average cycle length of 28 days, it will assume you ovulated on day 14.

Step #4 – Calculate your luteal phase length

Now the next question. What is your luteal phase length? This is an optional question, as the average woman’s luteal phase is 14 days. The luteal phase is from the time you ovulated to the start of your next cycle. Since you ovulate roughly mid-way through your cycle length, and if you have a 28 day cycle, that would mean you would ovulate on day 14. So with a 28 day cycle, 28-14 = 14 days for your luteal phase length. Again, this is only if you know your personal luteal phase length. You can leave this one at the average of 14.

Where can I find one?

Where can you find a pregnancy test calculator? Go ahead and enter in your information above, and find out when you can begin testing. It’s pretty easy. All you have to do is plug in your information, click enter and then you get results. And voila, you know exactly when you can test and expect to find a positive result if you are indeed testing. No sense testing too early, getting a possible false negative, when in fact you are pregnant & it’s just too early to test.

An example result

Okay, so let me give you an example. When I did the pregnancy test calculator, I plugged in June 3, that is when my last cycle started and my average cycle length is 31 days, and my LP which is my luteal phase is sixteen days. I didn’t know exactly when I ovulated, so I just clicked ‘Not sure when I ovulated.’ My results showed that the very best day to test is July 4, with a testing window from July 1-6. Before July 1, it shows that it’s too early to test. And if I did test then, I might end up with a negative that could become positive as the HCG levels rise and more days pass. So it’s best to wait until just the right time to test, to make sure you’re getting just the right result!

Cheap pregnancy tests

Now if you’re like me, like I said above, you like to pee-on-a-stick a lot. So when it says I shouldn’t test before July 1, I might test as early as 8 or 9 days past ovulation (DPO). But that adds up to a lot of pregnancy tests! So where can you get cheap or even free pregnancy tests? Well, you can buy them at your local Dollar store for a buck. That’s pretty cheap. But their quality is usually not quite as early-result as I might like. Or you can take advantage of the ConceiveEasy TTC Kit offer below, and just for the cost of shipping, you get the entire kit to try – and it comes with 20 free pregnancy tests as a bonus! Now that’s what I call fantastic for a pee-on-a-stick addict!

So until next time ladies, I will see you all later, bye!

Pregnancy Test Calculator - ConceiveEasy TTC Kit

ConceiveEasy TTC Kit + 20 FREE Pregnancy Tests

Lucy Eades
Lucy Eades | ConceiveEasy
Lucy is a mother of three, who’s passionate about all things AP parenting. When she’s not busy giving tips on keeping babies healthy & happy, you can find her blogging on her popular YouTube channel
