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So, you have decided to breastfeed your baby. Congratulations! Breast milk is the very best thing for a newborn, and deciding to breastfeed is a huge decision. It is the first step in the breastfeeding process. As you probably already know, breastfeeding is not always easy, and not even always possible for every woman. However, by being as prepared and informed as possible, you will increase your chances of being able to successfully breastfeed your baby. Read on for more information about how to get prepared for this important journey. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
A positive attitude is the most important thing to have when it comes to breastfeeding. Think positive thoughts about the journey that you are about to embark on. Say “I AM going to breastfeed”, instead of “I am going to try to breastfeed”. Say, “I am going to do what is best for my baby”, and “I am going to succeed at breastfeeding”. Set yourself up for success. It truly is amazing what a positive attitude can do for you.
And then, learn some more. The more educated you are about how breastfeeding works, how the body works, how your baby’s will work, etc, the more likely you are to be successful in breastfeeding. Take some breastfeeding classes before your baby is born, talk to a lactation consultant. Heck, you can even learn a ton about breastfeeding from YouTube videos, free, from your couch! Your main goal should be to go into your first “real” breastfeeding session with your baby being informed and comfortable with what you are doing. The more you know, the more comfortable you will be!
Find other like-minded breastfeeding mamas to give you pointers, and even share their own fears and horror stories with you. This can help you to realize that you are not alone, and that all new moms are nervous when it comes to breastfeeding their babies. The more support you have, the more successful you will be in your journey. This includes enlisting grandparents, your partner, family, friends and babysitters to all help out however they can to make your job (an important one!) as easy and stress free as possible.
During your pregnancy, you will have plenty of time to gather the things that you need for breastfeeding. A good breast pump is a must-have, of course, but there are also other things that you should pick up as well. Make sure to get some really comfy nursing bras, as well as nursing tops and gowns too. Make sure to buy these in your last few weeks of pregnancy, as your breasts will keep growing right on up til the end! A good nursing pillow can also be really helpful to a new breastfeeding mom, when it is hard to get the positioning right.
There are several things to remember at the hospital that can make your breastfeeding journey easier as well. Ask that the nurses DO NOT give your baby a bottle, pacifier, or anything else that may confuse him or her. Strictly mama, and mama only! That being said, women who have a lot of drugs during their labor sometimes have a harder time breastfeeding than women who have natural labors. However, sometimes you just have to have the pain medication, and that is okay too! And, ladies, there you have it! The basics for getting your breastfeeding journey started off right!