Should You Trust A Fertility App?

Should You Trust A Fertility App?

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With the popularity of technology today, most of the things we do can be done online. We can’t imagine how tied we are to the internet now until we lose our internet connection for a few hours and we’re already worried about it because we feel like we can’t do anything. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here

It’s no surprise that our phones have taken over pretty much every aspect of our life, and that includes our fertility. Fertility apps like Glow and Ovia are online tools that attempt to predict when you might ovulate based on the length of your menstrual cycles. Even these apps have made their way into our phones and our lives, but do they really work?

Pros of Fertility Apps

First of all, fertility apps are helping women to take control of their fertility and really better understand what is happening in their bodies. That, in and of itself, is a great thing.

These apps can help you pay attention to things you might not notice otherwise, like PMS symptoms, cervical fluid or even your moods when it approaches time for ovulation or your period. The fact that fertility apps are even available is a great thing when it comes to women’s fertility, as they are helping women to become more aware of what is going on with their bodies, and women should think of them as a helpful assistant.

Most of these apps are free of charge. You can download and use it anytime you want. They are user-friendly and can easily tell you when your possible ovulation and fertility days will be. And maybe if you are successful with your fertility app, you’ll soon be using a pregnancy test calculator to find out your due date!

Cons of Fertility Apps

Unfortunately, our bodies are not a perfect science. One downside for using a fertility calculator is it might not show an accurate result. What the app says might not always be true. Even though a fertility app might show that you are in your fertile window, or that your period is due, your body might just have other plans.

Unfortunately, these kinds of calendars and calculators are not always reliable, especially when you have an irregular cycle or fertility related problems. This is why it is recommended that these apps be used as just a guide, and nothing more. As long as you keep in mind that fertility apps can be used as a helpful assistant when it comes to trying to conceive, and not an “above all answer”, you should be just fine with using them. Other methods of ovulation detection are much better like the BBT thermometers, the ovulation predictor kits and even by checking your cervical mucus to detect fertility or ovulation.

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
