Spotting in Early Pregnancy – Does it Mean Miscarriage?

Spotting in Early Pregnancy - Does it Mean Miscarriage?

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During the first couple of months of any pregnancy, slight bleeding and spotting are pretty normal. In fact, about one out of every third pregnant woman will see some spotting during this time. However, it is important to note that this type of bleeding is often referred to as “threatened abortion” so it’s only normal whether to wonder if it is spotting or period. Luckily, most women who do experience this type of bleeding will go on to have a healthy pregnancy. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

What is a Miscarriage?

A miscarriage occurs when the fetus is ejected from the womb before it is able to survive on its own. This will occur before the baby has reached the 20-week mark. With a miscarriage, you will typically experience symptoms like vaginal bleeding and pelvic pain.


This process usually takes a few days to complete. So, if you begin seeing these types of symptoms be sure to talk to your doctor. While it won’t be possible to stop a miscarriage, you may be able to determine what caused it so you can prevent one the next time you become pregnant.

Other Issues to Watch For

Along with a miscarriage, early spotting in a pregnancy could be an indication that you are experiencing and ectopic pregnancy. These are extremely dangerous pregnancies and must be removed for your safety. This type of pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants outside of the uterus.

Keep in mind that if you have already had a sonogram or ultrasound and your doctor has determined that the pregnancy is in the uterus, this will not be the issue. Once a pregnancy has been established, it will not be able to move out of the uterus.

Treatment Options

Depending on your specific situation and circumstances, your doctor may decide that it is best to place you on bed rest to help minimize the amount of bleeding that is occurring. This will especially be true if your doctor believes that there are signs that your baby is in distress. Sometimes bed rest can help reduce the amount of bleeding and make it easier for you to have a healthier pregnancy.

If you are early on in your pregnancy and begin spotting, make sure you talk to your doctor. Your doctor is the best person to help determine exactly what type of treatment is necessary and whether you need to be concerned about the outcome of your pregnancy. You should also discuss any other symptoms you are having with your doctor at this time in case something else is going on.

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
