The Advantages of Breastfeeding Your Child

The Advantages of Breastfeeding Your Child

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Moms who breastfeed are enjoying the advantages of breastfeeding. Although the fact remains that there are other moms who bottle-feed and mix-feed their babies. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

If you are pregnant or trying to conceive and still can’t make up your mind on whether you would breastfeed your baby, here’s a list of the advantages that breastfeeding moms enjoy:

The nutrition that the baby gets

Doctors say breast milk contains antibodies – it helps the baby’s immunity in fighting off viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding also lowers the baby’s risk of possibly getting asthma or allergies. Additionally, exclusively breastfed babies for the first 6 months have fewer ear infections, respiratory illnesses, and bouts of diarrhea.

Studies show that those who breastfeed have a lower risk of postmenopausal osteoporosis. When a woman is breastfeeding while pregnant, her body absorbs more calcium. Even though some bones, especially in the spine and hips, might be a bit less dense at weaning, six months later, they are denser than before pregnancy.

The convenience in feeding the baby

With breastfeeding, you don’t have to wash and steam any bottles as well as mix any milk. With breastfeeding, you know you’re giving your baby fresh milk every feeding. It is also easy to feed the baby, especially when in public. And it comes at just the right temperature, every time! Additionally, breastfeeding moms don’t spend time pumping at all.

The bond between mom and child

This is another thing that moms love about breastfeeding. No matter how busy we all are when the baby needs milk; we would stop whatever it is that we’re doing in order to feed our babies. That is the bond that we can have with our kids every day – an uninterrupted time with the baby.

Natural birth control

For most moms who breastfeed, the physical act of breastfeeding will bring about natural birth control to help you with family planning, so as not to get pregnant again right after birth. For many women, this is wonderful news if they want their children spaced apart 2, 3, or 4 years, but don’t want to use chemical birth control methods. They can have natural birth control for at least a year.

Whether to breastfeed or formula feed – it is completely up to you. You just have to weigh your options before deciding. And even though a lot of moms wants to breastfeed, some also have reasons why they don’t or can’t. Talk to your partner about it.

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
