Top 6 Best Fertility Vitamins

The Best Fertility Vitamins

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Getting pregnant. It should be a happy, easy, natural thing, don’t you think? Well, for me, it wasn’t. Getting pregnant was one of the hardest things that I have ever done, and I never, ever imagined that it would be that way. When I started trying to conceive, I never dreamed that it would take me over two years to get pregnant, and that I would have to try literally every single thing I could think of just to make it happen. Honestly, having fertility problems was never even something that came close to being on my radar. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

          Honestly, having fertility problems was never even something that came close to being on my radar.

Best Fertility Vitamins to Get Pregnant Infographic


Why can’t I get pregnant?

I didn’t see a problem on the horizon. I was young, healthy, and in (relatively) good shape. I was the youngest of five kids, and all of my brothers and sisters had families of their own as well. We were a family full of fertility, with babies everywhere, filling up the kid’s table at Thanksgiving, and overflowing toys at every turn. I never dreamed there would be an issue with me joining the club. I was just going to get pregnant, and have babies, just like everyone else in my family, just like I had always planned.

Lots of sex – pregnant? Wrong!

At first, I just stopped taking my birth control pills. Honestly, that should be all I needed to do, right? Or so I thought. The truth of the matter is, it was not that easy. I waited and waited and waited after I stopped taking my birth control pills. I had lots and lots of sex. The more, the better! I mean, we were trying to conceive, right? Sex equals babies, isn’t that how it works?

Oh, I have to time it right?

After I realized that just going off of my birth control pills wasn’t working, I decided I needed a different approach. It was then that I finally realized that I wasn’t even having sex on the right days, because I had no idea when I was ovulating. That was when I started tracking my ovulation by using ovulation predictor tests. It was so easy once I got the hang of it, and then at least I knew I was having sex on the right days! That was one step in the right direction, and at least I could rest assured that I was ovulating normally and regularly and that there (most likely) wasn’t any sort of problem going on with my ovulation.

          It was then that I finally realized that I wasn’t even having sex on the right days, because I had no idea when I was ovulating.

Still, I wasn’t getting pregnant. It was taking way too long. I felt like nothing was working. I decided to try to up my game a little bit. I was a little overweight, so I started working out. I lost about five pounds. I stopped eating fast food and eating chips and cookies every night while watching chick flicks on Netflix.

I ate more veggies and fruits, and cut down on the crap. I took my dogs for walks every night after dinner, and spent more time outdoors. I also stopped the occasional beer and cigarette that I had at parties with my friends on the weekends. However, it still didn’t work. By this point, I was beginning to get stressed out.

ways to boost your chances of conceiving

What is wrong with me?

I was completely and totally at my wit’s end. I was convinced that something was horribly wrong with me. However, since I was young and healthy, it still wasn’t time to see a doctor yet. I was so afraid that something was wrong with me, or my husband. I was just completely convinced that we would never have a baby. I was completely crushed and ready to give up. I didn’t see babies on the horizon for us anymore, and I didn’t even see a point in trying.

          I didn’t see babies on the horizon for us anymore, and I didn’t even see a point in trying.

I quit trying altogether for about two months. I was really down, and I couldn’t find the strength or the desire to try again. One day, my husband came home from work with a big bag from a nutrition store down the road. Inside were about five different bottles of vitamins and supplements. He went on his lunch break and talked to the employees at the nutrition store about which vitamins and supplements would be best for trying to conceive. He even hooked himself up with a huge bottle of men’s daily vitamins, so he could be healthy as well!

Fertility vitamins, here we come!

I don’t know what it was about my husband bringing me those vitamins home from work, but it was enough to get me back in the game and get my brain motivated to start trying to conceive again. I guess I had just been in a funk, and it took someone doing something about it to snap me out of it.

We immediately began taking the new vitamins and supplements, and I was once again motivated to start trying to conceive. I guess sometimes you really do just need a boost to get yourself back to being motivated again when things go wrong. This is where it really helps to be close with your partner and to be a team so that you can really have each other’s back during the tough times that are sure to come.

          Disclaimer: I did not get pregnant right away. However, I did get pregnant!

Disclaimer: I did not get pregnant right away. However, I did get pregnant! It took about five more months from the time I started taking the vitamins and supplements, but I did end up pregnant! All in all, it took about eleven months from the time we decided to try to conceive until I actually ended up pregnant.

do vitamins and supplements help get pregnant?

Now, I can’t attribute my pregnancy to the vitamins and supplements that I began taking, but I am sure they helped! If anything, getting those vitamins and supplements were the psychological boost I needed to get back into the game of trying to conceive. For that reason, I am very partial to vitamins and supplements, and I always recommend them to my friends who are wanting to get pregnant!

I’m not an expert by any means, just a girl who tried almost everything to get pregnant without success!  However, I can tell you that I fully believe that my supplements and vitamins made a big difference in my pregnancy journey. Would you like to hear a little more about the vitamins and supplements I used when I was trying to conceive? Keep reading and I’ll tell you all about them!

          Would you like to hear a little more about the vitamins and supplements I used when I was trying to conceive? Keep reading and I’ll tell you all about them!

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Prenatal Vitamins

These are classics when it comes to trying to conceive, pregnancy, and beyond, so it’s not really a surprise that prenatal vitamins show up on this list. Women who are trying to conceive can definitely benefit from taking a prenatal vitamin. We as women don’t always get the best nutrition or make the best dietary choices. Taking a prenatal vitamin can really help to ensure that a woman is getting all of the right vitamins, minerals and nutrients for her body.

When you don’t eat right or get the right nutrition, your hormones can be really out of whack. This can cause irregular or even absent periods, and out of whack ovulation cycles as well. That can be a huge issue when you are trying to conceive. If you are already taking a regular “one daily” vitamin, switching over to a prenatal vitamin can really give you a boost when you are trying to get pregnant.

Definitely talk to your doctor if you are looking for a good prenatal vitamin. There are so many different ones out there, from gummies to chewables to regular pills. You can get so many different varieties of prenatals and different dosages, it’s a great idea to get some feedback from your doctor before starting on one.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is one of the most important nutrients for women who are trying to conceive. Folic acid is recommended at a dosage of 400mcg per day for all women of childbearing age. Folic acid is so important because it helps to prevent neural tube defects like spina bifida and other issues by up to 70 percent! It’s so important for women to take folic acid when they are trying to conceive because neural tube defects occur so early in a pregnancy, women usually don’t even know they are pregnant, and they haven’t started to take prenatal vitamins yet.

          Neural tube defects occur so early in a pregnancy, women usually don’t even know they are pregnant, and they haven’t started to take prenatal vitamins yet.

Since they don’t even know they are pregnant, they are usually too late to prevent these issues once they occur. This is why it’s so important to go ahead and take the folic acid supplements while trying to conceive, so your body can already have this nutrient in case you do get pregnant. The good thing about folic acid is that it is a water soluble vitamin. That means that if you happen to get excess of the vitamin, your body will flush away the excess so you don’t have to worry about getting too much or overdoing it.


Zinc is another super important vitamin when it comes to fertility and trying to conceive. Something unusual about zinc is that it is important for both men and women. Zinc is really important to women who are trying to conceive because it is imperative for ovulation and overall fertility. A woman needs a certain amount of zinc to produce mature eggs. Egg health is imperative in women, and getting enough zinc in your diet can be difficult. Zinc also is required for proper follicle fluid levels, necessary to help the healthy egg travel to the uterus to await fertilization. For men, zinc is super important because it helps with sperm production and function. Most people don’t even give zinc a second thought, but the truth is that it is actually a very important nutrient.

Omega 3 Fish Oil

Omega 3 Fish Oil is another really important vitamin that everyone needs when trying to conceive. Omega 3’s are great at increasing egg-white cervical mucus, which is imperative during ovulation to help the sperm take its long journey to the egg. Many women suffer from hostile cervical mucus or dry mucus, which will in fact, make it nearly impossible to get pregnant. In fact, Omega 3’s are even important for people who are not trying to conceive. Omega 3’s are found in fish oil, and other foods. They are not something that the body automatically makes on it’s own. You can find great fish oil supplements at your local health store, and sometimes you can even find a prenatal vitamin that includes Omega 3’s in with it. That way, it’s just one less pill that you have to remember to take.

is omega 3 important in trying to conceive?


Iron is essential to a woman who is trying to conceive, as well as for pregnant women. In fact, many women swear by the Geritol brand of prenatal vitamins, as it has extra iron, and claim it’s the added iron that is helping them get pregnant. The truth is, most women can get enough iron from food sources – but most women don’t. Iron is very common in many foods, including peanut butter, beans, eggs, meat, leafy greens, and more. Many women don’t need an iron supplement, for this reason, but if you think you do, make sure to ask your doctor. Some women are anemic or might be at risk of developing anemia, and in these cases, an iron supplement might be be needed. Iron is definitely one of those things to ask your doctor about to see if you could benefit from a supplement.


If you are feeling super overwhelmed by heading to your local GNC or vitamin retailer, then you might want to try ConceiveEasy, a fertility blend already pre-concocted for you. No guesswork involved, all the best fertility vitamins above are included at just the right amounts, as well as various fertility herbs to help boost your chances of getting pregnant fast. And you can try it free, just pay the cost of shipping, to see how you like it. The best thing? With the TTC Kit, you will also get 20 free pregnancy or ovulation tests, a BBT thermometer and a chart, so you can have the tools necessary to help you try to conceive!

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As you can see, when you get into the world of vitamins and supplements to help get pregnant, it can be a little bit overwhelming. There are so many different things out there, different vitamins and supplements and so many different varieties of each. You can stick with a basic, general, prenatal vitamin that can cover the basics of everything. You can also customize your vitamin regimen based on your specific needs, adding more of one nutrient or less of another if you don’t think it’s needed. Of course, you should definitely always check with your doctor to decide what the right vitamins and minerals are for you.

          Now, there is no way to tell if taking vitamins or minerals will increase your chances of getting pregnant. However, can it really hurt to try?

Is there a such thing as making yourself too healthy? You are just going to be preparing yourself in case you do end up pregnant, and your unborn baby will be protected from neural tube defects and other birth defects if you already have levels of folic acid and other nutrients in your body.

Also, your body will be healthier and stronger if you are already used to taking a prenatal vitamin and already have these nutrients in your body. It’s definitely something to consider if you are trying to conceive and you haven’t already started taking vitamins and supplements. It’s kind of like an “extra layer of protection” when it comes to getting your body ready for trying to conceive. These are all just a little bit of tips for getting pregnant to keep in mind if you are trying to conceive and you haven’t yet started to take vitamins or supplements.

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
