The Facts about Secondary Infertility

The Facts about Secondary Infertility

How Common Is Secondary Infertility?

Most couples think that if they get pregnant once successfully, that later in life, when they decide to have another baby, it will come just as easily as their first. However, that is not always the case. Secondary infertility is extremely common, and it affects somewhere around 11 percent of all American couples.  Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

It is also one of the least talked about forms of infertility. Most couples who suffer through secondary infertility do so in silence. This is because sometimes, couples feel like their infertility struggles aren’t “real” since they already have a child, or they may feel like their infertility struggles are less important than a couple who does not already have a child of their own. Let’s talk for a little while about secondary infertility facts.

What Causes Secondary Infertility?

Doctors aren’t really for sure what causes secondary infertility. Most experts agree that most of the couples who suffer from secondary infertility have always had some form or some degree of fertility issues. Sometimes, couples are able to overcome their fertility issue to have a baby, but after the mother gives birth, her fertility issues can once again cause problems in conceiving a second or third child.

Sometimes a couple might be able to conceive the first time, but then by the time they are ready to try for another baby, the mother might be older, and her eggs might not be as viable as they were before. Other times, the man might experience a decrease in his sperm count, sperm quality or sperm motility between the first baby and any subsequent children.

Why Is Secondary Infertility So Difficult?

Many experts agree that secondary infertility can be more emotionally damaging than primary infertility. This is because, quite simply, couples with primary infertility are often aware of their fertility issues early on, and they expect them. Couples with primary infertility often “don’t know what they’re missing”, so to speak. Couples with secondary infertility might be blindsided or completely shocked when they realize they have secondary infertility, especially if conception was easy the first time around.

Many couples don’t give a thought to conceiving again after the first time, they just think it will come naturally and easily. Family and friends often don’t understand the concept of secondary infertility, and sometimes say things like “You’re lucky to have one baby”, or “just try harder”. These unwitting comments can be really hurtful to couples suffering from secondary infertility.

How To Deal With Secondary Infertility

Couples who are struggling with secondary infertility are often not sure how to handle the situation. Sometimes, fertility specialists can help couples with secondary infertility go on to conceive again. Sometimes, couples with secondary infertility will choose to undergo IVF treatment, use donor eggs, or even adopt in order to grow their families.

It can sometimes help for couples with secondary infertility to join a support group and find other couples who are going through the same things who can relate. If you are struggling with secondary infertility, please know that you are not alone, and it really does happen to many couples, probably many more than you would ever think.

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Dr. Renee Hanton, MD
Dr. Renee Hanton, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Renee Hanton is ConceiveEasy's Senior Physician with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Dr. Hanton specializes in the endocrine causes of infertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
