The Joy of A Positive Pregnancy Test

The Joy of A Positive Pregnancy Test

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A Dream Come True

For women who have been trying to conceive for a while, a positive pregnancy test can be a dream come true. It can signify the end of a long, tumultuous journey, and the beginning of another. When you have wished for something for so long, those two pink lines can be one of the most joyful things in life. It can seem like you have waited a lifetime to get the results that you are looking for, and for some women, there is no greater joy in life than the joy of a positive pregnancy test. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

So Many Emotions

There are so many feelings associated with a positive pregnancy test, particularly when you might have been through a rough journey to get there. Getting pregnant is not always easy, and when it finally happens, women are sometimes overcome with emotion and don’t know why they are feeling the way they are.

Shock, excitement, happiness, fear, wonder, nervousness, joy, and relief are all common feelings that can accompany a positive pregnancy test. It is perfectly normal to feel all of these feelings, so don’t be worried or shocked if a whole boatload of feelings hits you when you get that positive result.

Can It be Real?

Many women, especially women who have had fertility struggles in the past, find it hard to believe that their pregnancy test is actually positive. It can be a very strange feeling, to get what you have always wanted. These women may worry that their pregnancy test has given them a false positive result.

Luckily, false positive pregnancy tests are actually very rare. It can be reassuring to take several pregnancy tests, over the course of a few days, to verify the results at home before seeing your doctor. There are a few reasons why a woman might receive a false positive pregnancy test, including chemical pregnancy, which accounts for about 25% of all pregnancy loss.

This is a downside to the very sensitive pregnancy tests on the market today. Sometimes pregnancy is able to be detected so early on, that women can be aware of a very early pregnancy, and therefore will be sad to learn if a chemical pregnancy has occurred.

What To Know

If you receive a positive pregnancy test result, first of all, congratulations are in order. What wonderful news it can be. The next step might be to take a few more home pregnancy tests, if that makes you feel better and helps you to accept the results.

After that, you should make an appointment with your doctor or health care provider so that you can make sure to receive proper prenatal care to keep both you and your baby healthy. If you receive a positive pregnancy test, take a deep breath, relax and try to enjoy the ride.

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
