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Trouble getting pregnant after a C-section is fairly common and is sometimes referred to as ‘secondary infertility’. However, there are many other issues in play when a woman is trying to become pregnant after having two C-sections. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
For starters, she will have an increased chance of developing secondary infertility after having two C-sections. These procedures can lower the health of her reproductive system and she may find that she is not able to ovulate or keep a regular cycle during this time. Many women require medication to help in this area.
Another factor that comes in to play after having 2 C-sections is the woman’s age. Since it is likely that she is older when she is trying to become pregnant with a third child, it is more likely that she will struggle conceiving at this point. In order to increase your chances of becoming pregnant, it is a good idea to see your doctor in order to determine the health of your reproductive system.
You should also make sure that you are tracking your ovulation cycle so that you know when and if you are ovulating. This will give you the information that you need to determine when you should seek assistance from your doctor.