Ways to Test for Ovulation

Ways to Test for Ovulation

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One of the most important things that a woman needs to do in order to become pregnant is to know her ovulation schedule. However, for some this may be a difficult task. It takes careful dedication and commitment that is difficult for some. The fact still remains that this is the simplest and fastest way to get pregnant. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here

When it comes to testing for ovulation, there are a couple of methods from which to choose. The first is by measuring your basal temperature. This is highly effective, but takes daily monitoring and careful regulation of the way you test yourself. Another method is by using an ovulation test kit or system. This is also very accurate, but you may find that this method is rather expensive. You can also watch your body for signs that you are ovulating. Below we will discuss each option a bit further.

Basal Thermometer

When a woman ovulates, her basal temperature will rise slightly. This is one of the key signs of ovulation. However, this temperature change is so slight that a normal thermometer will not detect it. For this reason, you need to purchase a basal thermometer.

When it comes to testing, there are certain guidelines that you must follow in order for it to be accurate. First, you will need to take your temperature as soon as you wake up. You should also take your temperature at the same time each morning; even a 10 to 15 minute fluctuation can make all the difference in the world.

It is best to keep your thermometer and a calendar as close to you as you can. You will want to be able to reach both items without being required to move very much. Even the slightest movement has the potential to raise your basal temperature and therefore you have the chance of receiving a false positive.

Ovulation Prediction Kits

Another popular method to gauge if you are ovulating is by using an ovulation prediction kit. These kits are very popular and you should be able to find many versions of them at your drug store or general merchandise store. One of the benefits of these kits is that you can actually tell that you are going to ovulate before ovulation has ended for the month. With a basal temperature reading, you will not know until after the fact.

With an ovulation kit, you can test your urine the same way that you would use a pregnancy test. Each test is different, so the color scheme will vary, but they all work basically the same way. An ovulation prediction kit will measure the levels of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) that are in your body. When this level becomes elevated you are likely to begin ovulating within 36 hours.

Watching your body for signs

Your body also gives off signs that you are ovulating. One of the major signs that you are ovulating comes from the cervical mucus that you generally have. Immediately following your period, you are typically dry, but as time progresses and you get closer to your ovulation period, you will find that this mucus begins thinning out. When you find that your cervical mucus appears to look like egg whites, this is a clear sign that you are ovulating.

You may also experience some side effects such as minor cramping and an increased sex drive during this time as well. You can also monitor the location of your cervix on a daily basis to determine if you are ovulating. You should notice that your cervix becomes higher and is more open and wet when you are ovulating.


Checking for signs that you are ovulating is an important step in trying to get pregnant. If you have been struggling, these tools are something that you should try for yourself before you make a trip to your doctor. Be sure to keep accurate records of your results so that you can show your doctor if you are forced to make a visit.

If you happen to find that you are not ovulating at all during the month, you should see your doctor as soon as you can. While this is not necessarily a sign that you are infertile or have a medical condition, you may find that you need your doctor’s help in order to get your body functioning correctly once more.

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Dr. Christine Lee, MD
Dr. Christine Lee, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Christine Lee earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology and Master of Science in Biomolecular Organization. Dr. Lee is Lab Director for ConceiveEasy and is board certified as a High Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
