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For couples who are trying to get pregnant and looking for pregnancy tips, it is important to know when a woman’s fertile days are if they want to get pregnant fast. When you are trying to conceive, probably the single most important thing that you need to know is when you ovulate. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here
Ovulation is when the woman’s body releases the egg, thus, if the sperm is able to catch the egg, there will be a great chance of conception. It occurs during a small window of time each month, and this is the only time a woman is able to get pregnant. If you are not having sex during your fertile window, you are not going to be able to get pregnant.
Fortunately, there are several different ways to track your ovulation so that you can know when you are fertile. There are a few ways to track ovulation:
A basal body thermometer depends on the body’s temperature. Your BBT is the temperature of your body at rest. By charting your temperature each day, you will able to see a small spike in temperature right before ovulation. A woman tracks her ovulation by using a BBT thermometer and charting her temperature daily. If there is a spike in the temperature, it possibly means she is ovulating.
Cervical mucus can also tell a woman if she is ovulating or not. If the woman’s cervical mucus resembles that of an egg white, it possibly means she is ovulating. Cervical mucus also changes when a woman is pregnant so can be a handy tool to have in your toolbelt.
An OPK or ovulation predictor kit is another tool to use in tracking ovulation. It’s probably the most common and most popular way to track ovulation. An opk is a device similar to a pregnancy test. It will show a positive result if the second line is darker than or as dark as the first line.
These kits are much like home pregnancy tests, in you use urine on a test strip to determine when you are close to ovulation. These tests are inexpensive and are available online or at your local drugstore.
Some women depend on pinpointing their ovulation online using an online calculator or a fertility app.
All of these tools can help a woman track her ovulation and be able to get pregnant faster. Trying to get pregnant can be challenging, however, by being able to pinpoint ovulation, you are increasing your chances.