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A pregnancy test is an effective way to determine if you are pregnant. Usually, they are very accurate, with the majority of tests being over 99% accurate. However, this accuracy is only effective when you take them correctly. For the most part, this means taking the test closer to the day you expect your period to start rather than extremely early. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
The reason you can’t take a pregnancy test extremely early is because the hormones needed to provide a positive pregnancy is not at a level that the test will recognize. This hormone increases as your pregnancy continues, but you will be able to have enough of the hormone when you expect to miss your period. When you are looking to determine if you are pregnant, here are some of the best pregnancy tests out there.
This is definitely one of the most popular and well known pregnancy tests. Clearblue is great because it is easy to use and easy to read. The digital version actually displays a “Pregnant” or “Not Pregnant” reading so you won’t have to worry about faint lines. These tests also offer a fairly accurate result even if you take the test 5 days before your period.
One of the great things about this test is that you actually receive 2 tests for the price of one. While it is not a digital test, it does have an easy read window and a wider tip. This helps women have the opportunity to use the test a lot easier. The handle is also longer, which can help make using it easier. It is also an early response test, so you will have accurate results as soon as possible.
Finally, there are many options out there for pregnancy strips instead of tests. These strips are great because they are inexpensive and really easy to use. They are also tests you can take significantly early. In fact, many women have gotten accurate results after only 8-10 days post ovulation.
Using these particular pregnancy tests could help you determine you are pregnant earlier than if you used a different brand or type of test. However, when you do take a test and it turns out negative, be sure to wait a few days and take another one if you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms. It is possible that you have taken the test too soon and need to wait until the hormone increases before you will get a positive reading.