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Getting pregnant. Chances are, for most of us, it’s something we don’t really think about until it doesn’t happen as planned. However, as many as one in six couples will suffer from some sort of fertility issue. So, we are here to tackle the question: What do you do when you feel like you can’t get pregnant? Read on for more. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, keep in mind that every couple is different. Some couples just require more time than others when it comes to getting pregnant. For example, if you have been on birth control, it can take longer for you to get pregnant. If you or your partner are overweight, it can take longer to get pregnant. There are just so many different variables out there.
As a guideline, experts say that women under 35 years old should try for a year to get pregnant on their own before seeing a fertility specialist, and women over 35 should try for six months. This is the amount of time you should try on your own before getting help from a fertility doctor.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t see your regular doctor before trying to conceive, as this can really be helpful as well. Having a doctor’s visit before you begin trying to conceive can help to answer any questions that you might have, and can help to eliminate any concerns that you might have, such as family history, or medical problems that might make it harder to try to conceive.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, think of your lifestyle, and consider if there is anything that you can change to help your fertility. For example, if you are overweight and trying to get pregnant, experts say losing as few as five to ten pounds can help to reset your hormones and give your fertility a boost. Also, consider your habits. Do you smoke? Drink alcohol? Use illegal drugs? All of these things can make it much more difficult to conceive.
Taking a prenatal vitamin and a folic acid supplement can also make it easier to conceive, and can help to make sure you are getting all of the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. Also, make sure to try to reduce the amount of stress in your life, as stress can make it much harder for a woman to conceive. If you have any questions about how to improve your chances of getting pregnant, talk with your doctor for tips and suggestions.