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One of the most important things to be when you are trying to get pregnant is healthy. This means you are eating the right foods, maintaining a healthy weight and staying away from things like cigarettes and alcohol. Being unhealthy is actually one of the leading causes of infertility in both men and women. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
But, when you are already healthy and still struggling to conceive, you can’t help but wonder: “why am I not getting pregnant?”
There could be other issues that you need to consider.
Health Concerns
Some women, even though they are generally healthy may have certain health concerns that could be stopping them from becoming pregnant. For example, women with diabetes or other common issues that are not normally related to fertility could find that non-treatment makes it harder for them to become pregnant.
Along with these issues, health conditions that are directly related to infertility, like endometriosis and PCOS can sometimes be present without any symptoms. This is something your doctor will need to check for if you are struggling to conceive.
Another common issue that women face when they are not being able to conceive is related to their age. Since it is now common for women to wait until they are in their 30s or older to become pregnant, this is an issue that many are faced with.
As our bodies age, fewer and fewer eggs will be available. At some point, your body will stop producing and releasing eggs altogether, and you will no longer be able to conceive. If this is the case, you may need to seek alternate fertility treatment options.
Surprisingly, many men actually suffer from infertility. In fact, in many instances of conception issues, it is actually the sperm that is the problem. Sometimes sperm could not be swimming properly, which could make it harder for them to reach the sperm. In other instances, men are producing low amounts of sperm that are making it less likely that their partner will become pregnant.
There are some medications that can help with this issue, and many of them are the same one’s women take for fertility issues. There are also some supplements that can help with sperm issues as well. Men can also help improve the health of their sperm naturally by keeping their testes cool, by avoiding hot areas, wearing briefs and keeping laptops on a table rather than in their lap.
These are all things that could be keeping you from becoming pregnant. However, many times the exact cause of infertility is unknown. The most important thing to determine when you are struggling to conceive is whether you are ovulating or not. To learn this information, make sure you invest in an ovulation predictor kit or a basal thermometer. Learning if you are ovulating could help you discover the cause of your fertility issues.