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There is no bigger joy than the joy of having a baby. You will surely agree that nothing in this world can beat that feeling. However, not every couple succeeds in conceiving a baby. Numerous couples today suffer from fertility problems, rendering them infertile or unable to conceive a child. The reasons behind this may be many rights from low sperm count to a small uterus to an inhospitable environment. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Knowing that you can’t be parents can be heart-wrenchingly difficult. It can take a toll on you emotionally and may even end up straining your relationship with your better half because you are extremely vulnerable and emotionally weak. Remember, however, that even your partner is miserable just like you are and in such times you have no one to turn to except each other. You should be able to support each other during such testing times and never lose hope.
Prepare yourself
Fertility treatments are an option that you could choose but let me warn you NOT to pin all your hopes to these treatments. There are numerous different types of fertility treatments today but don’t ever be under the impression that all of them work. They are extremely expensive but remember that expenses don’t guarantee results.
Before choosing to opt for fertility treatments, you have to understand the fact that there are significant chances of still not being able to conceive. In fact, about 40 percent of cases are unfruitful. You must comprehend the risk that you are taking. Thus, even after spending so much money, there are chances of not having a baby at all. You should be clear about this and you must prepare yourself for the worst before going for fertility treatments.
Small uterus
There are numerous reasons why fertility treatments tend to fail. A number of factors govern these treatments and these factors often determine the success rate. For example, the severity and nature of your condition play an important role. If the root cause of your problems is a small uterus, you can barely help yourself. But don’t fret, as this is an extremely rare condition. However, if your fertility issues are due to hormonal imbalance, that can be sorted out more often than not through hormonal shots.
Age also plays a very important role when it comes to fertility treatments. Your age will determine the chances of success of these treatments. For example, if you are younger than 29 years, you have more chances of positive results.
Those who are in their thirties have fewer chances and those who are in their forties have a success rate that is extremely low. Know that it is not actually impossible at any stage until you reach menopause but the difficulty level increases with age and the possibilities decrease significantly. It is not wise to spend so much money on fertility treatments after the age of forty.
One of the lesser-known reasons for the failure of fertility treatments is a misdiagnosis. It may not happen regularly but it does happen in many places across the globe, in some places very frequently. Your health care provider may fail to diagnose the actual problem of fertility and treat you for the wrong reasons.
In this case, you will be doing everything that needs to be done and you will keep spending all the money but to no avail. Another possibility is that there may be more than just one problem. For example, from the blood test results your doctor may conclude that hormonal imbalance is the problem but along with that, you may have some problem in the fallopian tube too. If that goes unnoticed, your fertility treatments will fail.
Hence, choosing the right doctor is a must so that you are diagnosed properly and you know the actual cause of your fertility issues. If the problem or problems is/are pinpointed, the chances of fertility treatments being successful will be more.